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Analisa Lazaro-Côté

Analisa is a doctoral candidate in Dr. Vijayan's lab at the University of Calgary. She studies maternal contaminant transfer and fish development.


Andrew Thompson

Andrew is a doctoral candidate in Dr. Vijayan's lab at the University of Calgary. He studies the effect of antidepressants on stress physiology.


Jeremy Morris

Jeremy is a doctoral candidate in Dr. Facchini's lab at the University of Calgary. He studies the biochemistry of alkaloid synthesis in medicinal plants. 


Jonathon Lee

Jon is a doctoral candidate in Dr. Wildering's lab at the University of Calgary. He studies the changes in cellular energy management of individual brain cells as they age, and how this relates to the formation and retention of memories.

Kara Vanden Broek

Kara is a doctoral candidate in Dr. Hansen's lab at the University of Calgary. She studies the mechanisms that control the balance between stem cell proliferation and differentiation using C. elegans as a model system. 

Matija Stanic

Matija is a Masters student in Dr. Samuel's lab at the University of Calgary. He studies the cellular signaling mechanisms that regulate compatible pollination events during plant reproduction.

Scott Seamone

Scott is a doctoral candidate in Dr. Syme's lab at the University of Calgary. He studies how form impacts function and swimming performance in fishes in order to advance our understanding of movement through water.


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